Mag. Wiebke Lüders
Lerchenfelderstr. 158/37, 1080 Wien, Österreich
Akademische Restauratorin für Musikinstrumente und Holzobjekte
Laurent Soumagnac
Création & Restauration de clavecins
5 ruelle de la foulerie
60240 Chaumont-En-Vexin, Picardie, France
La restauration du clavecin " Giovanni Pietro Polizzino" Roma 1634
Michael Parfett Conservation Studios
Contact :
Michael Parfett Conservation Studios
and The London Harp Studio
Michael Parfettphone: +44 (0)20 7228 5577
mobile: +44 (0)7811 435221
Unit 47 Battersea Business Centre
99-100 Lavender Hill
London SW11 5QL
Stewart Pollens
Trained as a violin and keyboard-instrument maker, Stewart. Pollens served as the conservator of musical instruments at the Metropolitan Museum of Art from 1976-2006. His work there included the restoration and maintenance of the museum's encyclopedic collection of over 5000 instruments, as well as research, writing, and lecturing on the collection. In 2007 he formed Violin Advisor, LLC, a firm that authenticates and evaluates fine violins for prospective purchasers. He is frequently interviewed regarding musical instruments, including for "The Talk of The Town" in The New Yorker.
Stewart Pollens has written extensively on stringed and early keyboard instruments, including, The Violin Forms of Antonio Stradivari (London, 1992), The Early Pianoforte (Cambridge, 1995), Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesù (London, 1998), François-Xavier Tourte: Bow Maker (New York, 2001), The Cambridge Companion to the Guitar (Cambridge, 2003), and Stradivari (Cambridge, 2010). He is a contributor to The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians and writes on a regular basis for The Strad. His most recent book is The Manual of Musical Instrument Conservation, published in 2015 by Cambridge University Press.